According to the Department of Agriculture, raising a child in 2010 cost $226,920 on average. According to the 2006 Census data, there are more than 13 million parents who raise a child solo, which cannot be an easy task financially or physically. Thus, here are some tips to insuring a...
What does Family Law Cover?
If you are searching for a divorce, custody, child and spousal support, or domestic violence attorney you will need to search for Family law attorneys in your area. Family law covers many of the issues that can be present in divorce, legal separation, or annulments. It is important to clarify...
How to file for Divorce?
If you are beginning the divorce process you will need to fill out a petition and summons and serve the opposing party. If you are the first for to file for divorce you will be known as the petitioner throughout the divorce process. The party that will be responding to...