Establishing Parentage in Orange County The need to establish parentage comes into play when two parents are not married to each other at the time the child is born. Proof that a man is the biological father of a child does not automatically grant him legal rights, or responsibilities regarding...
Paternity Actions to Establish a Child’s Legal Father
Paternity Actions to Establish a Child’s Legal Father in the OC Every child deserves to have the benefits of two legally established parents. Establishing paternity, or determining the legal father of a child, allows a child to legally receive financial support from both parents, in many cases it initiates legally...
How can I Legally Changing my Name in OC California?
How can I Legally Changing my Name in California? Although a legal name change used to be a relatively simple task, due to increasing threats of identity theft and terrorism in the last several years, the process has become a little more complex. Today, a name change in the OC...