Juvenile Dependency FAQ: Why Does Juvenile Dependency Court Exist in Orange County California? California Juvenile Dependency Overview Juvenile dependency is an area of law that deals with minor children who are neglected or abused in their homes or other places of care. The court’s job is to protect the health...
De Facto Parent in Orange County
A de facto parent is a person who is or has been taking care of a child who a judge has ordered a dependent of the juvenile court. You must be meeting his/her needs for such things as food, shelter, and clothing as well as affection and attention. You must...
What is Juvenile Court?
Juvenile court is part of the superior court. It deals with 3 kinds of cases: Juvenile Delinquency: cases involving children that do things that would be crimes if they were done by adults. Juvenile Status Offenses: cases involving children that do things that are only against the law because they...