Need an attorney for a Premarital Agreement in Southern California? I need a Premarital Agreements in Orange County! A premarital agreement and a prenuptial agreement, also called a prenup, are the same document. In California, this document is legally called a premarital agreement, and is governed by the Uniform Premarital...
Premarital agreements or Pre-registration agreements (which are used in domestic relation partnerships), are made by parties contemplating marriage. A premarital agreement must be in writing, signed by both parties and is enforceable without consideration. Premarital agreements become effective upon the marriage of the parties and are prepared pursuant to California Family Code...
How to Get ready for divorce court and Protect your Business During Divorce
Getting ready for divorce court Here are a few helpful tips for an upcoming day in court; 1. Summarize a list of all of your and your spouse's assets. 2. Summarize a list of all of your and your spouse's debts. Both of these lists will be used by the...