Facts about Joint Custody vs Sole Custody

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Divorce is difficult, emotionally and legally. Having children makes divorce even more difficult because you have to agree on who gets custody. Many people misunderstand what joint and sole custody are. Not knowing what these terms exactly entail lead to a divorce full of unnecessary expenses and heartache.

Sole custody of the children does provide more authority to the custodial parent such as making all the major decisions on education, medical care, and even religion of the children. In addition, non-custodial parents may not get access to school, activities, or medical records of their children. Parents who fight for sole custody of their children usually do it because they deem the other parent irresponsible and a negative influence on their children.

If both parents are responsible and trust each other’s abilities as parents, then joint custody seems to be good choice. Joint custody will give equal authority over the children to both parents. Whichever custody you decide to have, always remember that you should put your children’s interest first, not your emotions.

Usher and Tameka Raymond’s Child Custody Battle

Usher and ex-wife Tameka Raymond have been fighting a persistent child custody battle for years now. The couple currently shares custody of their children but recently Tameka Raymond has asked the Georgia court for full custody of their two children, declaring that Usher has been continuously failing to be a responsible parent. She is also accusing Usher of abusing drugs. Usher is fighting back, stating that he is a responsible parent and will not accept giving full custody to Tameka. The judge has given the couple an ultimatum stating that if the two fighting parents cannot come to an agreement, the judge will lay down the law.

For help in sole custody or joint custody in Orange County and Los Angeles County contact the family law skilled attorneys of Yanez & Associates.

Immigrant victims of crime may qualify for U VISA
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