Child Support in California

Finding a Mediation Session
Mediators for Divorce Matters

If you are considering filing for divorce you will want to familiarize yourself with the divorce process in California. Divorce laws may vary from state to state.  In California, the courts use what is called the guideline calculator. With the guideline calculator you can input data as to your income and assets and it will calculate a number. The number calculated is an estimate of the amount of child support you may be ordered to pay. Again, it is important to recognize and keep in mind that the number calculated with the guideline calculator is only an estimate and not an absolute amount of what will be owed.

When you arrive in court the judge will take various factors into consideration before determining the amount of child support owed. For further clarification on divorce laws, processes, child support and more you may want to speak with a family law attorney. The family law attorney will let you know what the best options are for you and what steps to take in your child support matter. You will want to be sure that all of the information your present to the court and your attorney is accurate. The judge will ultimately determine the fair and appropriate amount of money that will be due in child support payments.

For further information regarding child support or family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free consultation!

Finding a Mediation Session
Mediators for Divorce Matters