Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys in the OC

Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys in the OC
Los Angeles County Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements
How Do I Establish Parentage in Orange County?

Orange County Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys

If your divorce settlement was determined by a judge rather than through a form of alternative dispute resolution, like mediation, the divorce order likely follows the law but is not necessarily what you and your former spouse consider fair. In some divorces, you may have a legal reason to dispute your divorce settlement, especially when it comes to spousal support, child support, or dealing with the child custody and visitation agreement in practice.

A divorce can include legal orders regarding property division, spousal support, child support, child custody and visitation, and more. Whether you want to dispute an order, enforce an order, modify an order, or defend an order from modification, you’ll need to consult an aggressive post-divorce dispute lawyer in the OC.

Why Do Post-Divorce Disputes Arise?

Why Do Post-Divorce Disputes Arise | Do you need Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys on your side?
Why Do Post-Divorce Disputes Arise? Do you need Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys on your side?

During a divorce, all legal orders are made according to the law. However, when these orders are put into practice following the closing of a divorce, they do not always work out. Tempers may be short following a divorce, and immediately being on good terms with a former spouse is not always easy.

• Child custody and visitation orders may require newly separated parents to spend time together, whether they’re exchanging the children, meeting with teachers at school, or running into each other at the children’s functions and activities. If one parent is not fulfilling their responsibilities according to plan to avoid the other parent or to ignore them, these orders may need to be legally modified or enforced in order for them to work.

• Spousal support orders may require legal enforcement or modification, especially if one spouse is not holding up their end of the deal, or is trying to take advantage of the order. The spouse who is receiving spousal support is required to do their best to obtain employment that will allow them to have an appropriate standard of living. The spouse who is paying spousal support is required to make payments on time and in full.

• Unexpected circumstances, such as losing a job, receiving a new job offer that requires relocation, new obligations that may affect child custody or visitation orders, or new spouses or children, can all affect a divorce decree.

In any of these cases, it is important to work with a post-divorce dispute lawyer in the OC who is both aggressive and compassionate.

Orange County Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys
Orange County Compassionate and Aggressive Post-Divorce Dispute Attorneys

Experienced Post-Divorce Dispute Lawyers in the OC

The knowledgeable attorneys at Yanez & Associates in Southern California are ready to assist you with your post-divorce dispute, whether or not we helped you through your divorce. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to enforce a divorce order or dispute and modify it; our family law attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you through your case. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Los Angeles County Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements
How Do I Establish Parentage in Orange County?