De Facto Parent in Orange County

How to Identify Domestic Abuse?
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A de facto parent is a person who is or has been taking care of a child who a judge has ordered a dependent of the juvenile court. You must be meeting his/her needs for such things as food, shelter, and clothing as well as affection and attention. You must be caring the the child everyday as a parent would. There are no set laws on what a de facto parent must do but the judge will determine the roles you will play in the child’s life.

If you are found by a judge to be a de facto parent, you have the right to be in attendance at juvenile dependancy hearings. It is suggested that you hire a lawyer to represent you at some hearings, occasionally a judge may appoint one to you if the judge finds it necessary. You will also have the right to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence as well as participate in disposition hearings and the hearings that follow.

How to Identify Domestic Abuse?
What are the Different Types of Child Custody?