Divorce friendly states?

Modifying Child Support
Same Sex Marriage and Family Law

Here is an interesting topic, which states are the most accepting of divorce? When filing for divorce some may think would it be easier if I filed for divorce elsewhere? The following paragraphs give a couple statistics that you may  find surprising.

California residents may or may not be surprised to find that California is known as being one of the worst states to get a divorce in. After rankings were conducted California ranked out of 50 states 47th best for divorce friendly states.  Ranked by Bloomberg California was ranked 5th worst among divorce friendly states.

You may ask, what factors were considered in these rankings of California divorce? First, the ranking systems took into account how much the initial filing fee costs in each state. Second, how long does it take to process the divorce at minimum? Additionally, what is the residency requirement that a party must abide by before filing for divorce in California state court.

If you need to file for divorce call a Certified Family Law Legal Specialist for further assistance at 714-971-8000.

Modifying Child Support
Same Sex Marriage and Family Law