Divorce Parties Yay or Nay?

The Divorce Reform Movement
Seven important questions to ask before a divorce

While divorce is usually considered a somber occasion, different cultures and different ex-couples are beginning to view divorce parties or ceremonies as viable ways to move on after a rough split. Some say these ceremonies are excessive but others say they can be just as life-changing as marriage, and healing as well. These kinds of parties may help a couple end the relationship on a positive note.

Divorce ceremonies are sometimes especially celebrated in cultures such as Japan. The party is public and the unhappy couples come together to end their relationship. They treat the event just like a wedding with formal attire and all the decorations included. The marriage is then ended when the couple crushes their wedding rings with a heavy gavel.

For further information regarding divorce and more please contact the Tustin Divorce Lawyer in Orange County at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation.

The Divorce Reform Movement
Seven important questions to ask before a divorce