Divorce process and how spousal support – alimony is determined

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Going through a divorce is an emotional process, and one of the many things dealt in this process is Spousal Support (Alimony). Spousal Support is dealt with later in the process, but would be initially requested in the initial divorce petition or response, depending on whether you are the one bringing or responding to the divorce filing. Both parties financials are carefully reviewed when deciding who will be paying or receiving Alimony. That, paired with the length of the marriage among other things, would be the information utilized to determine how much the greater earning spouse would owe the lesser earning spouse in spousal support.

In California, the lesser earning spouse is entitled to spousal support for a marriage lasting 10 years or longer until there is a change in circumstances, (i.e. remarriage, move in with someone else that can financially support you, etc.). For marriages lasting less than 10 years in duration, the lesser earning spouse would be entitled to receiving spousal support for a length of time equal to half the length of the marriage. For example, lets say you were married for 6 years, you would likely be entitled to receive spousal support for 3 years assuming everything else checks out.

If you have any other questions, or wish to set up an appointment with our divorce lawyers, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (714) 665-6600 so that we may set you up with a free 1-hour in office consultation and hopefully we are able to further assist you with your matter.

Can I afford an Attorney?
The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction And Enforcement Act