Divorce Rates and Celebrities

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Blame the increasing divorce rate on celebrities? Celebrities break and get divorced like it’s the cool thing to do.  Marriage doesn’t mean anything anymore when it comes to the rich and famous.  In the year 2011 alone there were 105 celebrity break ups and divorces, and I’m sure there were plenty more. Marriages for celebrities can last anywhere between hours to years. Many times they don’t even get to the wedding and split while engaged. The problem with this is that people look up to celebrities; everyone wants to be one, which may be why the divorce rate has gone up.  The media tells us what’s in and right now divorces and break ups in the celebrity world is huge and not uncommon.  Nobody is shocked anymore when celebrity couples split, so to the rest of the world divorce is a normal and common thing because the media tells us that.  It would be interesting to see if the divorced rate would decrease if more celebrities stuck it out and worked on their marriages instead of running away from them.

For further information regarding divorce and more please contact the Fullerton Divorce and Custody Attorney at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

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