Does a parent in jail still pay child support in Orange County?

General Information About Special Education in Orange County
Should I go to Mediation?

A parent that is incarcerated must pay child support however it will be nearly impossible to collect, unless the person in jail has assets or another income.

The person in question must change the child support while s/he is incarcerated otherwise all past due child support will compound resulting in a large sum the person will have to pay when released.

A person who goes to jail should contact the Local Child Support Agency (LCSA) for Orange County to modify the support order if they are involved in the case.

If the LCSA is not involved, the person ordered to pay support should contact a Family Law Attorney for help stopping the support while incarcerated.

If you need to obtain a modification while incarcerated contact our Certified Family Law Specialist, Bettina L. Yanez at 714,665.6600 for a free consultation.

General Information About Special Education in Orange County
Should I go to Mediation?