Elder Abuse Causes

How Can I Advocate for the Elderly?
Do I Qualify for a Summary Dissolution?

Elder Abuse causes can vary from person to person. For instance, some may commit elder abuse because they are aware of the vulnerable state of the senior and are simply using them for personal gain.  Often seniors are vulnerable due to their physical or mental state. More specifically, the aging population may be suffering from dementia, alzheimers, or other mental disabilities. Those who are in charge of the elder’s care may be aware of these disabilities and use them to their advantage. For instance, keeping money that belongs to the senior. Asking the senior for large sums of money, or by using the funds without the senior knowing.

Elder Abuse Causes
Elder Abuse Causes

It is important to ensure the senior you know and love is not being taken advantage of. It is advisable to check in with senior from time to time and ask them questions regarding the care they are receiving by those in charge. By inspecting the living facilities you are ensuring that the senior is residing in a safe and sanitary living space.

Further, we must inform the elderly population regarding resources that are available to them in their local communities. By educating seniors we can attempt to reduce the abuse occurring in our county. It is important to emphasize to seniors that they should not fear reporting abuse and that if reported they can receive help and escape the abusive situation.

For further information regarding elder abuse or elder law please call Yanez & Associates for a free consultation! Call 714-971-8000 today!

How Can I Advocate for the Elderly?
Do I Qualify for a Summary Dissolution?