Elder Abuse: Important Information

Strategies for Coping With Parents Divorce
Divorce or Mediation in Orange County California

Elder Abuse is often a topic that slips under the radar. The reason it slips under the radar is because many seniors are afraid to speak up, they also do not know where they can turn to, or who they can turn to. Many times the victim is living with a family member and is afraid to speak out because it is family.

It is important that seniors are educated on what elder abuse is and what sort of relief is available to them. Regardless, of who is abusing the senior, whether it be family, a relative, or friend it is important that it is reported as soon as it is witnessed. The well being of the senior is the most important. Abuse is unnaceptable and the seniors need to be protected in our community. There are many agencies that offer support groups, living facilities and more.

Raising awareness and donating money to the cause can help reduce the cases of elder abuse. Elder abuse is not simply physical or emotional it is also financial and involves any form of neglect. Neglect can range from not feeding the senior, the senior not receiving proper nourishment, shelter, grooming, and more. The health and wellbeing of the senior can suffer substantially if they are not receiving the proper care.

For further information regarding eliminating elder abuse please call Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Strategies for Coping With Parents Divorce
Divorce or Mediation in Orange County California