Elder Abuse Resources for Seniors

Restraining Orders in Orange County
Elder Care and Abuse

Elder Abuse resources are readily available to seniors in every community. If you are having difficulty spotting, or identifying these resources you may want to contact Adult Protective Services they may have a list of resources for you. Additionally, if you are in the Orange County area you may contact the Council on Aging. Resources are also provided through the city hall in the city you reside. The city hall can provide listings of the resources available to you in the community. Furthermore, if you do not have access to transportation you may be able to locate the contact information on the internet.

The Council on Aging in Orange County offers many resources for the elderly community. Programs are offered to help the senior understand what their health care rights are. In addition, programs are offered to protect and inform the senior regarding their legal rights if they are residing in a nursing facility. Additionally, the Council on Aging assists the elderly population in socializing and becoming more active participant in the community.

Furthermore, there are also other agencies that advocate for the rights of seniors throughout the community. In addition, there are support groups for the elderly to speak with and connect with other elderly individuals with whom they can relate.  It is important that seniors not isolate themselves from others.  Maintaining an active lifestyle and staying social can help improve a seniors health tremendously. Therefore, if you feel that you are in need of assistance please do not hesitate to contact a legal professional for input on your specific situation.

For clarification on Elder Law, or to simply speak with an Elder Law Attorney to discuss your options you may call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation.

Restraining Orders in Orange County
Elder Care and Abuse