Elder Care and Abuse

Elder Abuse Resources for Seniors
How Can Mediation Help?

Elder Abuse sometimes is not reported due to an elderly individuals fear of reporting the agency, or individual due to potential backlash. Seniors need to be reassure that they will be protected and supported if they reach out for help. It is important for anyone who witnesses abuse to report it immediately so that an investigation may be conducted. The investigation will reveal whether abuse was occuring and who the culprits are. You do not need solid proof to report elder abuse, suspicion is enough to report the abuse you believe is occuring.

Many are only aware of physical and emotional elder abuse and it is important to note that their are various forms of elder abuse. Elder abuse can also be in the form of neglect. Neglect is when an elderly indivdual is not receiving proper health treatment and are not receiving their basic needs. Furthermore, neglect can also be a caregivers lack of attention, as well as failing to change the elderly indivdual when needed. Failure to provide basic care can result in serious injuries or illnesses. Elder abuse cases are on the rise and it is important that everyone do their part to protect the elderly throughout the community.

If you would like further information regarding elder rights and elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call the Elder Law attorneys to obtain your free initial consultation today!

Elder Abuse Resources for Seniors
How Can Mediation Help?