Elder Law in Orange County

Modifying a Child Support Order in California
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Elder law in Orange County is becoming even m0re significant due to the increase of elder abuse cases being reported. Elder abuse is currently on the rise, therefore, it is important that all members of society are informed of the causes of elder abuse, and how we can prevent further instances of abuse.

Elder law in orange county attorneys
Elder law in orange county – Attorneys Services

Causes of elder abuse may range from high levels of stress, as well as those individuals who take advantage of the elderly due to their vulnerabilities. The elderly have many vulnerabilities that may be induced by old age and illness. Moreover, when the senior reaches a certain age they may begin forgetting important details of their lives. If the elderly individual is forgetting important pieces of information then this usually requires them to see if they can find someone to handle their personal affairs. The elderly often needs to appoint someone to make legal and financial decisions if they are having memory issues.

If you are unsure if a senior you know and love is being abused it is important to check in with them further. The senior may be afraid to report the abuse. If there is any indication of abuse it is important that you report the abuse immediately. You may report the abuse to adult protective services. APS will investigate the matter further to see if abuse has occurred. If they find that the senior is being abused they will take proper action in order to protect the elderly individual. Elder abuse is often difficult to detect if the senior does not tell anyone and if there are no visible marks, bruises, scars, or lacerations. If you feel that any foul play has occurred you may also want to visit the elder care facility they are attending or residing.

If you are looking to retain an elder law attorney you will want to inquire regarding an initial consultation. For further information regarding elder abuse or elder law please contact your local attorney. Please call Yanez & Associates for your free initial consultation! Call 714-971-8000 to schedule an appointment today!

Modifying a Child Support Order in California
OC Mediators