Family Law Information

How Does Unemployment and the Ecomomy Affect Marriage?
What is a Prenuptial agreement?

If you are searching for Family Law information you will want to research online. You may want to visit the Orange County court website. The website for general information in Orange County is On the website you can find family law related cases information. The way to search for family law case related information is to go onto the case access tab and go to the family law section. It is helpful to have the case number to avoid searching through various clients with the same name.

Moreover, you will be able to access family law court forms and research the laws governing family law in California. In addition, if you are filing court forms you can find out how much each filing costs.

For further information regarding Southern California Divorce contact Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000. Call today for a free 60-minute consultation with an attorney at our firm.

How Does Unemployment and the Ecomomy Affect Marriage?
What is a Prenuptial agreement?