Finding a Mediator for Divorce

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Southern California Mediation Services

Finding a mediator for divorce in your county can be made fairly easy. The search for a mediator can begin with using the internet and browsing on search engines such as google and yahoo. By using the search engines online this will allow you to locate the top attorneys in your area. The narrowing of this search will allow you to find the top few attorneys to call regarding an initial consultation. When calling these attorneys you will want to ask whether there will be a charge for the first consultation. Some attorneys in your area may offer a free initial consultation to discuss the important issues in your divorce matter.

Finding a Mediator for Divorce
Finding a Mediator for Divorce in Orange, CA

Mediation is a less expensive process for attempting to reach an amicable agreement with your ex. This process is a newer form of conflict resolution. This is something that some couples decide to try before resorting to the typical divorce proceedings. Mediation sessions have several benefits, aside from them being less costly. The mediation sessions are voluntary for both parties. In addition, the parties will be assisted by a mediator, who is a neutral third party.

The structure of a mediation session is relaxed where the two parties meet in a room with their mediator present. The session will begin with the mediator explaining the ground rules. Once the ground rules are explained the session will commence. Both parties will be allotted an equal amount of time to discuss their concerns. The parties will not be allowed to interrupt, or use profanity. The parties must reach a fair and reasonable agreement. If the parties find that mediation is not working for them they may decide to go the route of a typical divorce proceeding.

For further information regarding mediation and divorce please contact your local family law attorneys. Please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000. We look forward to assisting you in your mediation and divorce matter!

How to Get Custody of a Pet
Southern California Mediation Services