Helping Kids Cope With Divorce

Elder Abuse or Dependant Adult Abuse
Family Law Money Judgement

Children are often the primary concern in divorce proceedings. Parents will wage custody battles simply for the right to see their kids. However, even if the children are largely unaware of court proceedings, divorce is often a stressful, confusing, and sad period of time. Kids in general are often anxious about what the future will hold, and a major change in living arrangements is not reassuring. In especially heated legal arguments, judges may even appoint a minor’s counsel to look after the best interests of the child.

 Parents need to fulfill the role of caretaker even more during these stressful periods. Children need to be reassured of continuity and stability even though there will be changes. How parents communicate with their children during a divorce may have the most important impact on how the children cope with the event. However, this requires teamwork a general feeling of goodwill, but if parents really do care about the health of their children, they will find some way to compromise.

Elder Abuse or Dependant Adult Abuse
Family Law Money Judgement