Hiring Mediators in Orange County

Talking to Children About Divorce
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Hiring a Mediator in Orange County is one option for divorce conflict resolution.  The mediation process is a more affordable method for conflict resolution. This is a process that a couple may try before resorting to the traditional divorce proceedings. Prices may vary depending on the attorneys or mediators you choose to hire. You will want to interview several mediators or attorneys so you can find the one that you are most comfortable with. Additionally, be sure to ask what the processes will entail and what an estimated price quote will be.

Hiring Mediators in Orange County
Hiring Mediators in Orange County

Mediation sessions are a comfortable yet structured environment for both parties to voice their concerns. It is important for both parties to understand that the process is voluntary. If one of the parties does not feel comfortable with mediation then this may not be the proper avenue to take. It is important to hire a mediator that will be a neutral third party. It is important that both parties feel comfortable and feel that they are receiving fair treatment.

The mediators role is to set ground rules for both parties to follow. It is important that both parties understand the rules before the session begins. The ground rules include issues such as refraining from using profanity, shouting, disrespecting others and speaking out of turn. In addition, the ground rules state that it is not the mediators role to make decisions for the parties. Moreover, the mediator will help the flow and structure of the session but will not take sides, or make suggestions  in regards to resolutions the parties should decide on.

For further information regarding mediation in Orange County please contact your local attorney. Call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation! We look forward to assisting you with your divorce matter. Please be sure to conduct some research prior to your consultation regarding mediation and divorce.

Talking to Children About Divorce
Hiring a Family Law Attorney?