How Can Elder Abuse be Prevented?

Is My Marriage Coming to an End?
Orange County Restraining Order Attorney

How Can Elder Abuse be Prevented for your loved ones? Elder Abuse cases are on the rise with the population aging and being in a vulnerable position. Seniors are in vulnerable positions when they can no longer care for themselves. They will need to find someone to help them make decisions on behalf of their health, finances and well being in general.

How Can Elder Abuse be Prevented?
How Can Elder Abuse be Prevented?

If the elderly individual does not have family and friends living near them they may need to have outside professional assistance. This can consist of an attorney being in charge of their finances and helping them to make decisions.  In addition, when the elderly individually is physically impaired or mentally ill they will need extensive assistance perhaps from an assisted living facility.

Before sending a senior to live at a specific nursing facility it is important to conduct some background research. You will want to ensure that the facility they will be residing in is reputable. You may want to speak to those who have placed a family member there and inquire as to their experience. When you take a tour you will want to observe if they staff is friendly and attentive. Furthermore, you will want to make sure that the quality of life your senior family member or friend will be provided is superior.

Sometimes the elderly population is afraid to report abuse that they have experienced. It is up to each and every one of us to educate and inform the elderly that they have the right to be safe, happy and protected from harm. Resources and agency support is available in every community. If you are unsure of where to access this information you may want to visit your City Hall, or conduct a search online.

For further information regarding elder abuse and elder law please contact Yanez and Associates. Please call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Is My Marriage Coming to an End?
Orange County Restraining Order Attorney