How can I Legally Changing my Name in OC California?

How can I Legally Changing my Name in OC California
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How can I Legally Changing my Name in California?

Although a legal name change used to be a relatively simple task, due to increasing threats of identity theft and terrorism in the last several years, the process has become a little more complex. Today, a name change in the OC usually requires a court order, and can only be done in certain circumstances.

Restrictions on New Names in Southern California

It is possible to change your name, or your child’s name in California, but there are a few restrictions on the name you choose. Your new name cannot be an offensive term, such as a racial slur. It cannot be the name of a fictitious character that is protected by copyright, like Katniss Everdeen. You usually cannot choose the name of a celebrity or public figure, except under certain circumstances.

Changing Your Name When You Get Married or Begin a Domestic Partnership in the OC

Marriage can be one of the exceptions to the court order requirement – as long as one spouse is taking the other spouse’s name. In this case, the spouse changing his or her name needs to take their marriage license to their local DMV and the Social Security Administration and fill out a name change form.

However, if both spouses are changing their names, or if the name being changed is not the other spouse’s name, you will need a court order.

Although a domestic partnership is similar to a marriage, a couple cannot go to the DMV to change a name. If you’ve recently entered a domestic partnership in Southern California, you’ll need to either get a court order, or fight the inequality with the help of a skilled name change attorney in Southern California.

How to Change Your Name With a Court Order in Southern California

How to Change Your Name With a Court Order in Southern California
How to Change Your Name With a Court Order in OC Southern California

In most cases, you will need a court order to change your name in Southern California. This includes some cases where you have recently married or started a domestic partnership, if you wish to change your gender and/or your name, or if you are getting a divorce and you want to revert back to your maiden name.

If you’re trying to change the name of a minor and you aren’t the only legal parent, you will need the permission of the other parent to change the name. If you and the other parent cannot agree on the name change, or you’re having trouble contacting the other parent, it is best to contact a skilled name change attorney in Southern California for assistance.

To change your name or your child’s name, you’ll need to fill out the appropriate forms and file them with the court. A judge will issue a court order to change your name.

Attorney for Legally Changing Your Name in Orange County California
Attorney for Legally Changing Your Name in Orange County California

An OC name change attorney can help you to fill out the appropriate forms and file them correctly. At Yanez & Associates, our attorneys are ready to get the process of changing your name started. Contact us today.

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