How do I find a Mediator for my Divorce?

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When searching for a mediator to assist you with resolving a divorce dispute it is important to conduct some research. Mediators are available in your community but it is important to conduct some background research first. You will want to find out the cost and the process before deciding on a mediator. Attorneys also offer mediation services for clients going through a divorce. Some attorneys also offer an initial consultation free. During the initial consultation the parties can ask pertinent questions regarding the process.

You can find mediators either online, or by asking around regarding mediators in your area. Mediation is a newer form of conflict resolution. Many people prefer mediation because it is a voluntary process. When the two parties arrive at mediation they have a more positive attitude because they do not feel that they are being forced to attend.

During a mediation session the mediator will be a neutral third party. It is important for the mediator to remain unbiased throughout the mediation proceedings. If at anytime the parties feel that the mediator is siding with the other side this could disrupt the entire process. It is important for the mediator to stay objective at all times. The mediator is allowed to utilize strategies for reaching an amicable agreement. Although the mediator can utilize strategies for facilitating conversation and helping the parties come to a resolution, they are unable to suggest solutions. The parties are to reach an amicable agreement on their own.

For further information regarding mediation and family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

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