You may be asking yourself, “how to find an elder law attorney?” If you have been affected or know someone who has been affected by Elder Abuse you may want to speak with a legal professional. It is important to inquire regarding the laws protecting elders in the state of California. Further, you will want to know what elder abuse consists of and the legal measures that can be taken.
Elder Abuse consists of neglect, physical, emotional, or financial harm. Seniors are often vulnerable at their old age due to mental health issues, or other health related issues. It is important to keep an eye out for seniors and advocate for their care and well being. In addition, it is important to ensure that seniors have access to support from agencies, community members and elder law attorneys. These resources can help save their lives, or the lives of someone they know.
The elderly community may be unaware of who to turn to, or whether they should report the abuse. We need to educate the elderly community regarding forms of elder abuse and what to do when and if it occurs. Encouraging one member of the elderly community could encourage many in the community that see, or hear that someone has spoken out regarding their abusers.
For further information regarding elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!