How do I get a Divorce in California?

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How do I get a divorce in California?, is a valid question since the process varies from state to state. If you are looking to divorce in California it is important to be informed.  The duration of a divorce in California is a minimum of six months. This six months is known as the six month weighting period before a divorce can be finalized.  Furthermore, when divorcing in California it is important to ensure that you are filing for divorce in the proper jurisdiction.

How do I get a Divorce in California?
How do I get a Divorce in California?

Divorce jargon can be difficult to understand so it is helpful to familiarize yourself with common phrases that may be used throughout the process.  If you hire an attorney they will assist you with understanding the jargon and forms that you are presented with. In addition, the attorney will let you know during your initial consultation if you are filing in the proper jurisdiction.

The attorney will quote you based on if your case will be contested or uncontested. The term contested means that both sides are not able to reach an agreement and will be arguing on most or all of the issues involved in the divorce. When the divorce is contested this may indicate that the matter will take longer and involve much more court intervention. If the matter is contested the cost for a divorce may be higher. On the other hand, an uncontested divorce is where both parties are able to work out all issues involved in the divorce. If the divorce is uncontested issues are resolved more quickly and will involve little to no court intervention. An uncontested divorce is often less costly because it does not require as much intervention from outside parties to resolve their issues.

For further information regarding divorce in California please call a family law attorney. Call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 to schedule your free consultation today!


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