How Do I get Alimony?

Divorce or Separation in Orange County: Understanding Property and Debt
General Information About Special Education in Orange County

Here are some factors that determine whether alimony is awarded and how alimony is determined:

1) The ability of each party to pay

2) The needs of the parties

3) The age and health may be taken into account

4) If the parties acquire a job will this change the ability of the parents to take care of the child

5) Property owned and debts of the parties will be evaluated

If you have any other questions, or wish to set up an appointment with our divorce lawyers, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (714) 665-6600 so that we may set you up with a free 1-hour in office consultation and hopefully we are able to further assist you with your matter.

Divorce or Separation in Orange County: Understanding Property and Debt
General Information About Special Education in Orange County