If you have recently gone through a divorce or will be divorcing, it is important to keep your child’s best interests at heart. You may ask yourself, How Do I help my Children Handle Divorce? This is a question that all parents ask when they are going through a divorce, or are contemplating filing for divorce. You will want to ask them how they are feeling and keep them busy with extracurricular activities. Extra curricular activities to keep your child engaged with their community can be clubs, sporting teams, or any other organizations they enjoy. Divorces can be emotionally draining on all member involved or associated with the divorce. It is crucial to reach ou and seak help or support if you are having difficulty coping. Support can be from family, friends, or coworker. If additional professional support is needed please do not hesitate to seek out a professional counselor for yourself and your children.
Divorces can be stressful not 0nly on the parties but on their children. Children depending on age often may feel that they contributed to their parents divorce in some way. Parents must make it clear from the start to the child that they did not play a role in the divorce. If the parents clarify for the child that the divorce was between the parents alone, this may help alleviate some of the stress, or even some guilt that the children may feel. In addition, children may believe they need to choose sides, or that they are not being loyal to one of their parents. Both parents need to let their children know that they do not need to take sides. Furthermore, parents should encourage their children to speak to and spend time with the other parent.
For further information regarding divorce and family law please contact a family law attorney in your area. If you are searching for an Orange County Divorce Attorney please contact Yanez & Associates. Please call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation! We are looking forward to assisting you.