How Does Divorce Impact Children?

Orange County Restraining Order Attorney
Abogados en el condado de Orange California

How does divorce impact children from divorcing couples? For starters, divorce can be extremely difficult for the entire family, particularly with the children involved. It is important to check with children and see how they are coping with the situation. Depending on age the children may handle the situation differently. For instance, if the child is still an infant this is too young for them to truly understand, or remember what is occuring. The infant will play off of what emotions the parent who is caring for them is conveying. On the other hand, if your child is between the ages of three and four they will not take the divorce as well as an infant. They will not understand why the divorce occurred. Children between ages three and four will think that the family separation was due to something they did. In addition, they may revert back to earlier behaviors from when their parents were back together.

How Does Divorce Impact Children?
How Does Divorce Impact Children?

The children that are most effected by their parents divorcing are the ones that are old enough to attend school. They are still young enough to not understand what caused their parents marriage to end. They will have many emotions regarding the separation of their parents and may not know how to properly handling all of the emotions they are feeling. Furthermore, they may start to cope with the divorce negatively and feel hostile and present distrust towards others.

Additionally, once the children reach their teenage years they will understand the full nature of why their parents marriage did not work. Further, they may  feel responsible for the marriage not working and become depressed. It is important to not ask your child to choose a side, this will be extremely challenging for them.

For further information regarding divorce and more please contact Yanez and Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Orange County Restraining Order Attorney
Abogados en el condado de Orange California