How Does Elder Abuse Happen?

Resources to Prevent Elder Abuse
Elder Law Attorneys in Southern California

Elder Abuse occurs when seniors are placed in an environment where they are not provided with adequate care. Adequate care includes food, shelter, health care and dental needs and more. Elder abuse often goes undetected due to the senior’s inability to access resources for elder abuse. The elderly individual may be unable to access the resources due to transportation issues or lack of access to communication resources such as a telephone or internet access.

It is important that seniors are able to access agencies that advocate for their rights. Elder abuse can lead to serious illnesses or in worse case scenarios death. Physical abuse and emotional abuse can severely impact the senior’s health. The caretakers may resort to this abuse if they are undergoing high amounts of stress. It is important that those in caretaking positions are taught how to properly cope with stress. Furthermore, additional training for employees for handling stress and learning what behaviors will not be tolerated in a caretaking environment is extremely important.

For additional information regarding elder law please contact Yanez & Associates. Yanez & associates offers elder law services in the Southern California area. Call today for your free consultation!

Resources to Prevent Elder Abuse
Elder Law Attorneys in Southern California