How Does Unemployment and the Ecomomy Affect Marriage?

Do I Have to Hire an Attorney in Order to Get a Divorce?
Family Law Information

According to an NPR-Kaiser Family Foundation survey, not surprisingly, an increase in the unemployment rate has a negative affect on relationships.  Over one fifth of those unemployed have reported that their unemployment has affected their intimate relationship for the worse.

Curiously, as unemployment increases, divorces decrease.  An explanation for this is that while the loss of a job has a negative affect on intimate relationships, unemployment makes it more difficult to afford a divorce.  Therefore, couples are deciding not to make a major change in their lives, during the financial hardship of unemployment.

The problem that this creates is an increase in domestic violence.  When couples wish to seek a divorce, but are unable to afford it, they unhappily stay together, which creates a volatile environment for both parties.  We saw this happen during the great depression.  As the economy improved, the divorce rate went back up and there was a decrease in domestic violence.

For further information regarding California Divorce contact Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000. Call today for a free 60-minute consultation with an attorney at our firm.

Do I Have to Hire an Attorney in Order to Get a Divorce?
Family Law Information