How to Help Children Cope with Divorce?

Impact of the Elder Abuse Act of 2011
Elder Abuse Act of 2011

Although divorce is stressful for all parties involved, it is extremely difficult for children to cope with. It is necessary for all parties to put the child’s best interests first. The child may need to hear from both parties that it was not their fault that the marriage did not work out. Children may often associate the divorce resulting from something they did. If both parents make sure to address the blame factor that children may experience this could help alleviate some of the stress felt.

If the child seems to be experiencing extreme depression, anxiety, or stress it may be necessary to seek psychiatric attention. It is a good idea for the children to be able to discuss with an outside party how they are feeling regarding the divorce. The children will need an outlet to cope with the change in family dynamics. Involving the child in extracurricular activities will be a positive outlet. In addition, the socialization aspect with other children may ease the transitioning process.

For further information pertaining to divorce please contact the Southern California attorneys at 714-971-8000. Call Yanez & Associates today to reserve your appointment for a free consultation!

Impact of the Elder Abuse Act of 2011
Elder Abuse Act of 2011