How to Talk to Children About Divorce

Preventing Elder Abuse in California
Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

If you are wondering how to talk to children about divorce then you have come to the right place. When speaking to your children about divorce you will want to take the children’s ages into consideration. If you have younger children you will need to explain the divorce differently than you would with an older child. One of the most important topics to discuss with your children is the fact that the divorce is not their fault. Many times children will feel that they are to blame, or that they are the cause of their parents divorcing. When discussing the divorce you will want to clarify that the divorce is between you and your ex. Additionally, you will want to let them know that although you will be divorcing their parent that both parents still love them dearly.

How to Talk to Children About Divorce
How to Talk to Children About Divorce

Children will cope with divorce differently and at their own pace. Please let your children know that they can come talk to you when they feel comfortable. Open communication will help make the transition less stressful on all family members involved. In addition, you will want to be sure you stay active and involved in activities that will help you maintain a sense of normalcy.

When retaining an attorney to assist you with your divorce you will want to make sure you ask if they offer flexible payment schedules. Moreover, you will also want to find out if any special discounts are offered. Some attorneys offer military discounts as well as various other payment options. If you are struggling financially you will want to call several different attorneys to compare prices. It is important to ask the attorney when you call if the consultation will be free of charge.

 If you would like to retain an attorney to assist you with filing for divorce it is important to schedule a consultation. For further information regarding divorce and family law please contact your local Family Law Attorneys. Please call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation! Please come to your initial consultation prepared with any questions or concerns you have regarding the divorce process.

Preventing Elder Abuse in California
Hiring a Divorce Lawyer