Most people have heard the statistics regarding divorce in California. That statistic is that at least half of the marriages in California will result in divorce. With this number being so high, it is important to be well informed when it comes to divorce in California. Here is additional Information Regarding Divorce in CA.

Please keep in mind that the laws for other states may not necessarily pertain to California. In addition, the law in California will not always apply in other states. You will also want to familiarize yourself with the issues typically involved in divorce.
Issues that will need to be resolved during the divorce process are child custody, child support, spousal support and division of assets and property. Further, other issues may also arise in the divorce and not all divorces are the same. When speaking to an attorney you will want to inform them on all pertinent issues involved in your divorce case so they can accurately assess what process to take and what the cost will be.
Therefore, when obtaining a divorce you will want to know what type of divorce you should be filing for. For short term marriages of less than five years with no children may qualify you for summary dissolution. Summary dissolution is a quicker way of divorcing in California. On the other hand, if you and your ex are unable to reach an agreement on any terms of the divorce this is known as a contested divorce. If the divorce is contested the process may take longer and also be more costly for all of the parties involved.
For clarification and additional information regarding California Divorce please call your local attorney. For an Orange County Family Law Attorney please call 714-971-8000 today!