Information Regarding Restraining Orders

What Happens If Child Support Is Not Paid?
Steps to Emancipation

Obtaining a restraining order is no trivial issue. Courts are extremely careful when issuing restraining orders because they may severely limit the ability of a person to communicate or travel. Furthermore, courts also do not want to mistakenly issue restraining orders for misguided reasons. However, restraining orders are vital as a legal mechanism to protect people from those who wish to harass or harm them.

There are several kinds of restraining orders. Orders may be temporary, granting short-term emergency relief until a hearing date, or orders may be permanent, lasting up to three years. There is also a difference between a Civil Harassment restraining order and a Domestic Violence Restraining order. A Civil harassment Restraining order prevents a non-relative from the person protected for a certain distance or from a certain residence while a domestic violence restraining order si reserved for relatives or persons who were or are in a relationship.

The Orange County restraining orders lawyers are ready to assist you and your family.

What Happens If Child Support Is Not Paid?
Steps to Emancipation