Is Parental Alienation a Psychological Disorder?

Juvenile Court: Hearings
Divorce: Separate Property

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The American Psychological Association has recently been grappling with the issue over whether to classify parental alienation as a mental disorder. Parental alienation occurs when one parent refuses to allow the other parent to see or have an emotional connection with the children. This is usually the result of a divorce or separation. This debate has heated arguments on both sides because many question whether such a classification would be gender-neutral. 67% of divorces end with the mother maintaining custody of the children. Many fear that if parental alienation were made into a mental disorder, abusive husbands could potentially gain traction in court in claiming custody over the children. In either case, the APA’s decision could have serious ramifications in future child custody battles.

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Juvenile Court: Hearings
Divorce: Separate Property