Living Trust vs Will

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When it comes to a living trust vs will, here are some reasons why some may find a will to be preferable to a living trust. First, the cost of a living trust is often larger than a will. Second, the quantity of paper work required for a living trust is more excessive. Those who chose to avoid the judiciary system may prefer living trusts because you do not need to have the court review the trust. On the other hand, if you would like the court overseeing the process then executing a will may be preferable.

Living Trust vs Will

These are important decisions in life therefore all options should be weighed and evaluated. Various factors may sway a person toward one direction as opposed to the other. Research should be conducted on a living trust and a will. Interviewing several legal professionals may assist you in finding the proper avenue for you. You will want to find an attorney that is the right fit for you. Please be sure to ask the attorney any questions that you may have. In addition, please be sure to clarify any terms or concepts that you are still unclear on. If you hire an attorney to assist you with a living trust or will they will oversee the entire process and ensure that the process is completed efficiently. When interviewing attorneys and obtaining a consultation you will want to inquire about the retainer fee. Furthermore, if the fee is an issue you will want to ask whether the firm accepts payment plans or will offer a flexible payment schedule for your needs.

For further information regarding Living Trusts and Wills please contact a local Family Law Attorney. Please contact Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 to schedule your free consultation today!

How Do I Help My Children Handle Divorce?
What is Family Law?