Mediating your own divorce

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If you are interested in learning more in regards to mediating your own divorce you have come to the right place. Mediation can be a more affordable alternative to the traditional divorce process.  This form of conflict resolution must be voluntary. The voluntary nature of these sessions is at times appealing to both parties in a divorce. The parties are able to attend of their own free will which helps the session start off on the right foot. It is important that both parties go into the mediation session with an open mind and attempt to have a positive outlook.

mediating your own divorceThe mediators will be unbiased and will remain neutral third parties. It is important that the mediator not be bias to either side as this could affect the outcome of the session.  Throughout the session the mediator’s role is to help with the flow of dialogue. The mediator is not in charge of finding a solution for the parties. They will simply facilitate the process of progress towards solution or solution finding.

It is beneficial to research information on the internet regarding mediation before proceeding. Furthermore, you may want to inquire within your social network to see if any family members, or friends have any feedback regarding mediation sessions they have attended.

Mediating your own divorce in Orange County

For further information regarding mediation and divorce please call Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation!

Elder abuse education and what to look for
What Does Domestic Violence Consist of?