Mediators for Divorce Matters

Child Support in California
Selma Hayek, a Billionaire and Child Support

The mediator’s role is to be a neutral third party. Mediators will ensure that both parties have the opportunity to speak and be heard. It is important that the mediators discuss the ground rules with both of the parties prior to the mediation session commencing. The mediation session is voluntary and it is important that both parties arrive at the session with a positive and open mind.

Both of the parties will be able to address issues and concerns. Throughout the session the parties will attempt to compromise and reach some sort of resolution. The parties must refrain from speaking out of turn, or speaking over the other party. Every party will have an opportunity to discuss and brainstorm possible ideas for resolving the issues.

It is important for the parties to keep in mind that the mediator will not be taking sides. Furthermore, it is important to keep in mind that the mediator will not find solutions for you.  It is up to both parties to find a resolution that works best. In addition, it is important not to put the mediator in a position to take sides. The mediator will help facilitate healthy and effective dialogue between the parties. Therefore, the mediator’s job is to employ effective and efficient strategies to help the parties reach an amicable agreement.

For further information regarding mediators and family law please contact Yanez & Associates. Call 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation.

Child Support in California
Selma Hayek, a Billionaire and Child Support