Mediators in Orange County

Can I be charged with contempt and billed for child support when I was living with the baby mama?
How Do I Speak to My Child Regarding Divorce?

A mediators in Orange County can be located through internet inquiries. It is important to find a mediator who is local to you and your family. In addition, it is important to inform yourself regarding what a mediation session entails. Mediation prices will vary so it is important to research and contact several to determine the general price range for your particular matter. Mediation can be handled by an attorney and is voluntary. Therefore, both parties must agree to attend the session. The mediation session gives the party a less stressful forum for attempting to reach an agreement.

Mediators in Orange County CA
Mediators in Orange County CA

The mediator will not provide suggestions on how you should resolve your conflict. Please do not ask the mediator to decide your resolution for you. Mediators are at the session to ensure that both parties are being heard. The mediator will use strategies for effective comunication and minimizing conflict. Furthermore, it is important that the mediator remain neutral regardless of their personal stances on an issue. The parties should not feel that you are siding more with another party. If the parties feel that the mediator is taking a side this may decrease the chance of the parties reaching an amicable agreement.

Mediation sessions typically begin with both parties introducing themselves to the mediator. Next, the mediator will explain the process and rules for the session. It is important that the parties follow these rules precisely. The general rules of mediation are to respect one another. The parties are not allowed to shout, use profanity, or derogatory remarks. Further, while another person is talking it is imperative that neither party interrupt, or attempt to speak over them.

Mediation is offered in Orange County by the law firm of Yanez & Associates. The firm offers free initial consultations, so do not delay, please call 714-971-8000.

Can I be charged with contempt and billed for child support when I was living with the baby mama?
How Do I Speak to My Child Regarding Divorce?