Military divorce and survivor benefits

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Military Divorce cases can include grave financial issues such as the right to Survivor Benefits in a Military marriage of long duration. This benefit is income to a survivor of a deceased military member.

The purpose of a Survivor Benefits Plan is to provide financial support to a surviving spouse of a deceased military member. Without a Survivor Benefits Plan, the surviving spouse would be left with out financial resources as the military retirement benefit would stop upon the death of the retiree. If you are contemplating a divorce it is imperative that you contact an experienced military divorce attorney to assist you in obtaining a court order for Survivor Benefits

For a Military Divorce, contact a Certified Family Law Specialist with over 12 years of experience. The Firm of Yanez & Associates is ready to assist you call today for a free consultation.

Juvenile Court Open to the public – unheard of!
Finding the Top Orange County Family Law Attorney