Modifying a Child Support Order in California

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Here is important information on modifying a child support order in California. In a divorce if there are children present a child support order will be requested. If the parties do not agree on how much support they will give one another they will need to have a judge determine what the appropriate amount will be. It is important to educate yourself regarding California Child Support laws as these may vary from state to state.

Modifying a child support order in California
Modifying a child support order in California

In California, the amount of child support due is calculated by using the guideline calculator. It is important for the parties to keep in mind that ultimately the judge will make the final determination on the support owed. Many factors will be taken into consideration when determining how much is due. The amount of children, ages, and needs are key in determining how much money is required per child. The judge will look at how much income the parties make and will also take into account the parties current finances and bills.

When modifying child support after an order has already made it is important to show a change in circumstances. The change in circumstances must be showed to the court in the form of valid proof. Valid proof may include the loss of employment or a disability that is keeping the party from working regular hours. It is important to keep in mind that the change in circumstance that you will present to the court needs to be significant enough to demonstrate that the child support cannot be paid, and that paying the required child support would place the party in financial hardship.

If you would like to take the next steps in retaining an attorney to assist you with a child support modification call for your consultation today! For additional information or clarification regarding Orange County child support laws and Child Support Modifications in California please contact your local family law attorneys. Call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your matter!

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