OC Modification of a Spousal Support Order after Your Divorce

OC Modification of a Spousal Support Order after Your Divorce
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Orange County Modification of a Spousal Support Order after Your Divorce

During a divorce settlement, spousal support, or alimony, is determined, and a spousal support order is put into effect. Legal orders for spousal support can be legally enforced as long as they are valid.

But what happens when circumstances change and you can no longer afford to pay your spousal support payments? What happens if your circumstances change and your monthly check is not high enough? Or what if you are paying alimony to a former spouse who no longer requires additional income?

In California, you can contact a family law attorney in the OC to modify or eliminate your spousal support order.

Why Should I Modify My Spousal Support Order after My Divorce?

Why Should I Modify My Spousal Support Order after My Divorce in OC
Why Should I Modify My Spousal Support Order after My Divorce in OC

Either party can ask for a modification of a spousal support order, and there are several situations where it can be legally changed. It is always important to contact a family lawyer in the OC sooner rather than later when your situation changes.

If the party who is obligated to make spousal support payments loses income (for example, if they lose their job), they may be eligible for a modification of a spousal support order. If the payment is not made, or not made in full before filing papers to have the order modified, this party will still be responsible for payments until papers have been filed, so it is important to get started immediately. Even if you think the loss in income is temporary, you should act quickly to avoid facing charges for nonpayment.

If you are in jail, make sure to discuss a modification of court orders with your attorney, or have a friend or family member help you to file modification papers by mail.

If the spouse who is receiving spousal support no longer needs it, either party can request that the order be modified so that payments are no longer required. This could mean that the spouse has remarried or that they have completed education or been hired at a new position.

If the spouse who is receiving support is not making a good faith effort towards becoming self supporting, the paying spouse may ask the Court to end the support order.

In all of these cases, it is important to have a skilled OC family lawyer to guide you through the process of modifying a spousal support order.

Orange County Modification of a Spousal Support Order after Your Divorce
Modification of a Spousal Support Order after Your Divorce in Orange County

Contact an OC Family Lawyer for Modification of Your Spousal Support Order

It is your responsibility to provide evidence to the judge that proves that your spousal support order should be modified. Consulting with a skilled OC family lawyer is your best option when building your case. At Yanez & Associates, our compassionate team will guide you through the modification process. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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