Omitted Assets

Socializing Post-Divorce

Omitted assets are assets that are kept out of the divorce sometimes done unintentionally but mostly done intentionally.  While going through a divorce you and your spouse are to put forward all of your assets.  People may try to omit their assets but that would not be wise.  If that is done then the court can make it so that that asset that you are hiding will be split down the middle, when you could have just had your asset to yourself.  In extreme cases the court can actually give 100% of the assets that you were hiding to your spouse.  Your best bet is to put all of your assets forward in the beginning to avoid losing things you don’t want to.

For further information regarding omitted Assets in Divorces please contact the Tustin Divorce Lawyers at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

Socializing Post-Divorce