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Our Firm is ready to handle any type of California family law case.
Free Consultation
We look forward to helping families. If you or your loved ones are in need of legal assistance contact us. Here is a short list of some of the communities nearby, Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, Brea, Buena Park, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Irvine, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, as well as Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Orange, Placentia, Rancho Santa Margarita, San Clemente, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Ana, Tustin, Villa Park, Westminster; Yorba Linda, contact our office and ask about our free consultation.
We recognize the anxiety and doubt related with any legal issue that concerns your children and your family. For high quality and reasonable legal assistance, contact The US today.
Certified Family Law Specialist

Welcome, my name is Bettina Yanez, a Female – Certified Family Law Specialist in California and founder of Yanez & Associates Divorce & Family Law Attorneys Orange County. When retaining a CFLS you can rest assured you are in good hands. A Specialist is an attorney with the greatest level of education and skill acknowledged by the legal profession. Perhaps that is one of the main reasons when individuals are looking for the representation, they opt to go with a Certified Specialists to assist them with their divorce, custody, support and domestic violence legal matters.
Many states, prohibit legal professionals from claiming they are “specialist” in their practice area, unless they have obtained certification through their state bar.
Our Offices are located in the City of Orange, California two blocks from the courthouse, I have been practicing law since 2000. I have a staff of experienced attorneys and support staff available to assist you and your family with your legal matters.
For instance, if you or your spouse are planning on filing for a “dissolution of marriage” in California, make sure that you have satisfied the residency requirements. One party must be living in the state for at least six months and three months in the county where you will be filing.
You may contact us 24/7, at 714.971.8000. The firm will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your consultation. In emergencies, we will call you a ASAP. Business hours are Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM.
A dissolution of marriage cannot legally be finalized earlier than six months from the date the petition (A formal application made to a court in writing that requests action on a certain matter) is served.
The facts are, “No one can promise you a fast divorce” the process must take its course.
Q: Could it take longer than the six months?
A: Yes, even though the law states that six months is the least amount of time, your dissolution of marriage could take longer if parties cannot agree.
There are several legal issues that could increase the amount of time that your dissolution could take to finalize.
Amicable agreements are not always possible; therefore, trials are necessary
Rest assured we are knowledgeable and experienced. We get results in family legal matters for our clients, for instance, but not limited to divorce, child custody, paternity, child support, property division, domestic violence…
Some clients prefer a female over a male representing them in order to bring some sort of balance to the case. As one client put it, ” We need the perspective of a Woman’s point of view!
Known as some of the best restraining order attorneys
Our assertive Exceptional divorce lawyers are ready to help you.
Child support – California has a statewide formula (called a “guideline”) for calculating how much should be paid. If parents can’t be in agreement, the judge will make a decision on the amount based on the guideline calculation.
The Child Support rule calculation depends on:
• How much the parents make or can make
• How much extra income each parent obtains
• How many children these parents have jointly
• How much time each parent devotes with their children
• The real tax filing status of both parents
• Support of children from other relationships
• Health insurance expenditures
• Required union dues
• Required retirement contributions
• The expense of splitting daycare and uninsured health-care expenditures
• Other child related reasons
Child support can also include the cost of special needs like:
• Traveling for visitation from one parent to another, Educational expenses; Other special needs.
Spousal support – Calculating Spousal takes the following into account
• The length of the marriage or domestic partnership
• What each person needs based on the standard of living they had during the marriage or domestic partnership
• What each person pays or can pay (including earnings and earning capacity) to keep the standard of living they had during the marriage or domestic partnership
• Whether having a job would make it too hard to take care of the children
• The age and health of both people
• Debts and property
• Whether one spouse or domestic partner helped the other get an education, training, career, or professional license
• Whether there was domestic violence in the marriage or domestic partnership
• Whether one spouse’s or domestic partner’s career was affected by unemployment or by taking care of the children or home; The tax impact of spousal support .
Top Orange County Child custody Attorneys
• Legal custody – meaning – who makes the important decisions for your child (for example, education, health care, and welfare)
• Physical custody – meaning, where the children will live.
Property division
• Real Estate – house
• Automobiles
• Jewelry, Furniture; clothing
Property also includes the following…
• Bank accounts, cash
• Security deposits such as “rental dwellings”
• Pension plans
• 401(k) plans
• Stocks, bonds
• Life insurance that has cash value
• Business
• Intellectual property such as a patent
In a nutshell, the key to overcoming a long dragged out dissolution is, collaboration. No one wants a long, expensive, difficult; stressful legal ordeal. Such an approach will not accomplish anything, but only manage to cause additional pain for all parties involved. The goal should be to accept the situation and move on with ones life. The sooner you are able to finalize your dissolution of marriage, the sooner you can begin a new life.
In no way am I advising to give away what you legally deserve. What I am saying is that all parties must be willing to cooperate in order to reach an amicable agreement, one that is binding under California Law.
Well-calculated quick resolutions will save you time in court and fees.
Schedule a free consultation to review your options. Our goal is to achieve a quick and amicable solution to your legal matters.
Southern California Law Firm, committed to helping you.
Our Firm will tailor a plan that will meet your specific needs. One that will get a favorable legal outcome for YOU!
We will assist you throughout your legal proceedings. Our staff is always current with all California Family Law issues in order to ensure you attain a favorable legal outcome.
To schedule your free consultation, please call us at 714-971-8000 a 24/7 receptionist is ready to assist if we are away from the office. The Attorney will be reached within minutes via a text to their cell phones, 24/7.
Now offering Unbundled Legal Services, Limited Scope Representation and Child Support Services
You are unrestricted to find the lawyers that are prompt and affordable and will fight for results in order to help restore your peace of mind. You need a knowledgeable, determined and involved individual in your corner.
The expert, Bettina Yanez will “spell it out in basic terms”, so you can understand your legal rights clearly.
Our Exceptional Southern California Law Firm is recognized for it’s integrity and crusade to safeguard clients’ rights throughout the legal procedures so that you can resume with your life. Do not wait for child support and spousal support, these are legal issues that need resolving as soon as possible.
Find the legal counsel you feel comfortable with; one you can trust.