
Omitted Assets
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You would think that a paternity test is pretty straightforward, you either are or are not the father, but there are different classifications of paternity when it comes to determining child support.  The simplest form is the “acknowledged father”, which is a paternity test has been done and he has been proven to be the father.  Another classification is he may be the “presumed father”, the presumed father is established if the child was born while he was married to his wife.   The third classification is where they are called the equitable parent, this can be either a man or woman, they are not biologically their parent but they have a close tight parent-like relationship with the child, could later on have to pay child support.  The last two classifications where paternity is unclear are the “unwedded fathers” and the stepfather.  The unwedded father is the biological father but he is not married to mother and does owe child support.  The stepfather is not legally obligated to pay child support unless he has legally adopted the child/children.

For further information regarding Paternity and more please contact the Orange County Paternity Lawyers at 714-971-8000. Call today for your free 60-minute consultation!

Omitted Assets
Is Mediation the Right Choice?