Responding to Divorce or Separation

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Either spouse in a marriage or partner in a registered domestic partnership can ask the court to end their legal relationship.

If you have been served with a petition and summons for dissolution (divorce) or legal separation, your spouse or domestic partner is asking the court to end your relationship. In California, as long as 1 person wants to end the marriage or domestic partnership, the court can end it, even if the other spouse or domestic partner does not agree or want to get divorced or legally separated.

Your best plan of action is to locate an attorney to guide you through this difficult time.

A married couple or registered domestic partners can end their marital status in California 6 months after the first papers are filed at the courthouse and copies of these papers are served on you, the respondent.

When you hire Yanez & Associates you can be sure you are hiring top quality legal representation, the firm has many years of experience in handling family law matters. Attorney Bettina L. Yanez is a Certified Family Specialist. This means that the California State Bar Board of Legal Specialization has Certified this attorney as having met a high level of experience in family law.

Child Abuse & Neglect in Orange County, California
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