Restraining Orders types in California

A Domestic Violence Restraining Order
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If you feel you are being threatened, stalked, harassed and/or physically abused you can have the courts order a restraining order to help protect you from the perpetrator. There are often no fees to getting a court ordered restraining order so securing your safety is achievable no matter what your income or status.

Restraining Orders types in California
Restraining Orders types in California

There are 4 restraining orders types that you can ask for:

-A Domestic Violence Restraining Order,
-A Workplace Violence Restraining Order,
-A Civil Harassment Restraining Order, and
-An Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Order.

Domestic violence is a serious matter, do not ignore it. In order to protect yourself and family you must take action.

You must understand that even if a restraining order is issued by the courts there is not a 100% guarantee that you will be protected.   Only citizens that respect the law will adhere to the protective orders. As an example, a peace officer once told me that locks are intend to keep honest people out. In other words, someone with bad intentions will always find ways to circumvent the system.

If you are looking to retain a top family law attorney experienced in restraining orders, please call your local Orange County attorneys. Call Yanez & Associates at 714-971-8000 for your free initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your protection orders.

A Domestic Violence Restraining Order
What are the Impacts of Divorce on Children?