As of few days ago, the news headlines have read, “Rihanna and Chris Brown back together.” Former couple Rihanna and Chris Brown are now officially back together. Approximately four years ago this couple was in the headlines for the physical abuse Mr. Brown inflicted upon Rihanna. This matter has been controversial with many fans voicing their concern regarding this issue. Rumors began circulating that the couple was possibly getting back together but nothing had been confirmed. The two were seen out in public multiple times but neither confirmed whether they were back together.
The couple is ready to move forward after the incident that occurred four years ago. Both Rihanna and Mr. Brown have matured and are now able to see what they have. Neither of them wants to lose the relationship they have with one another. One of the key elements in their new relationship is that there is much more communication now. If any issues arise they know how to bring it up to one another and discuss it.
Many people are worried about Rihanna’s decision to take Mr. Brown back. She believes people can change and feels that the relationship is different this time around. She just wants to be happy and it is important to note that, the decision to get back together is a personal one that only the two in the relationship can truly understand. It is important to support others rather than be quick to judge a decision or situation.
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